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Real-time CGI and
Immersive Experiences
Project Datas
Unreal Engine Development
System integration
Revolutionize Product Configuration with Real-Time CGI: Unmatched Interactivity and Detail.

Immersive Experience
With real-time CGI and Unreal Engine, configuring products like cars or homes becomes an engaging and visually stunning experience.
Users can customize every detail with precision and photorealism, transforming the process into an unprecedented interactive journey.

Car Configurator
Configuring a vehicle with such high visual fidelity has never been more rewarding.
Thanks to Lumen, UE5’s rendering engine delivers photorealistic and highly evocative images.
The interaction design focuses on ease of use, allowing users to rotate the camera, zoom into the finest details, and interact with various components to admire and personalize every part.

Real estate
and Pixel streaming
The real estate sector increasingly requires real-time CGI pre-visualizations to streamline the property buying process. Realistic details and interactivity enable buyers to virtually explore properties and make real-time modifications, reducing decision times and enhancing the overall purchasing experience.
With Unreal Engine’s Pixel Streaming technology, users can interact with applications and view them in real time through a web browser, without the need to download or install any software.

Virtual Showroom
A virtual showroom enables you to reach a global audience by presenting products interactively and customized to their preferences, offering a much more engaging and immersive aesthetic experience.